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Siemens Digital Logistics sp. z o.o. merge into Siemens Industry Software Sp. Z.o.o.
Siemens Digital Logistics sp. z o.o.plans to merge into Siemens Industry Software Sp. Z.o.o. in the fourth quarter of 2023.
Therefore, the companies have jointly agreed on a Terms of Merger of Companies. The agreed Terms of Merger, after their publication, will be submitted to the competent register court of each respective company.
The merger will be executed by way of merger by acquisition, according to Article 492 (1) point 1 CCC i.e. the transfer of all assets of the Acquired Company by way of universal succession, to the Acquiring Company. Upon the consent of the shareholder of both merging companies the merger procedure will be simplified by withdrawal from some non-obligatory stages, including examination of the terms of merger by the expert appointed by the register court and preparation of the report justifying merger by the Boards of both companies.
Having regard to the fact that the both merging companies have the same sole shareholder, i.a. Siemens Beteiligungen Europa GmbH, the planned merger will not change the shareholders’ structure of Siemens Industry Software sp. z o.o.
Execution of the merger will require amendment of the Articles of Association and increase of the share capital of the Acquiring Company (Siemens Industry Software sp. z o.o.) by establishing additional shares for Siemens Beteiligungen Europa GmbH in exchange for the assets Siemens Digital Logistics sp. z o.o. being merged into Siemens Industry Software sp. z o.o.
The Boards of Siemens Digital Logistics sp. z o.o. and Siemens Industry Software sp. z o.o., pursuant to Article 500 (21) of the CCC publish on their websites the agreed Terms of Merger.
Siemens Digital Logistics sp. z o.o. planuje połączyc się ze spółką Siemens Industry Software Sp. Z.o.o. w czwartym kwartale 2023 roku.
Siemens Digital Logistics sp. z o.o. planuje połączyc się ze spółką Siemens Industry Software Sp. Z.o.o. w czwartym kwartale 2023 roku.
Dlatego też spółki razem uzgodniły Plan Połączenia Spółek. Uzgodniony Plan Połączenia, po jego publikacji na stronach internetowych spółek, zostanie zgłoszony do sądów rejestrowych właściwych dla obydwu łączących się spółek.
Połączenie zostanie zrealizowane w trybie tzw. łączenia przez przejęcie, zgodnie z art. 492 par. 1 pkt 1 k.s.h., tj. poprzez przeniesienie całości majątku Spółki Przejmowanej, na zasadzie sukcesji uniwersalnej, na rzecz Spółki Przejmującej. Na podstawie zgody udzielonej przez wspólnika obydwu łączących się spółek, procedura połączenia zostanie uproszczona poprzez rezygnację z części nieobowiązkowych etapów, włączając w to badanie planu połączenia przez biegłego powołanego przez sąd rejestrowy oraz przygotowanie sprawozdania uzasadniającego połączenia przez zarządy obydwu spółek.
Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, iż obydwie łączące się spółki mają tego samego jedynego wspólnika, tj. spółkę Siemens Beteiligungen Europa GmbH, planowane połączenie nie spowoduje zmian w strukturze wspólników spółki Siemens Industry Software sp. z o.o.
Realizacja połączenia wymagać będzie zmiany treści umowy spółki oraz podwyższenia kapitału zakładowego Spółki Przejmującej (Siemens Industry Software sp. z o.o.) poprzez utworzenie dodatkowych udziałów na rzecz Siemens Beteiligungen Europa GmbH w zamian za aktywa spółki Siemens Digital Logistics sp. z o.o., które zostaną przeniesione na skutek połączenia do spółki Siemens Industry Software sp. z o.o.
Zarządy spółki Siemens Digital Logistics sp. z o.o. oraz spółki Siemens Industry Software sp. z o.o., na podstawie art. 500 par. 21 k.s.h., publikują na swoich stronach internetowych uzgodniony Plan Połączenia.

Siemens Digital Logistics specializes in the digital transformation of logistical processes. The company, part of Siemens Digital Industries Software, is a leading IT provider in global supply chain management with a portfolio of end-to-end software and consulting solutions. The portfolio is supported by a state-of-the-art IT ecosystem including the AX4 logistics platform with some 500,000 users worldwide and the Supply Chain Suite (SCS) for the data-driven analysis, simulation, and optimization of logistical processes.
Industries Software helps organizations of all sizes digitally transform using software, hardware and services from the Siemens Xcelerator business platform. Siemens' software and the comprehensive digital twin enable companies to optimize their design, engineering and manufacturing processes to turn today's ideas into the sustainable products of the future. From chips to entire systems, from product to process, across all industries, Siemens Digital Industries Software is where today meets tomorrow.
Siemens Digital Logistics
Siemens Digital Industries Software PR Team
Email: press.software.sisw@siemens.com
Note: A list of relevant Siemens trademarks can be found here. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Siemens Supply Chain Forum, Frankfurt
Siemens to help kickstart digital transformation in logistics and build resilient supply chains at Supply Chain Forum
Siemens to present networking event for supply chain managers to explore scalable software solutions and best practice for building resilient and sustainable supply chains.
Siemens Digital Logistics announced today that it will present the Siemens Supply Chain Forum at the Hilton Frankfurt Airport, June 21, 2023 and it will focus on the theme of “Accelerating the Digital Transformation in Logistics.”
Experts from the manufacturing, retail, logistics and tech sectors will come together in person and in the livestream for a one-day international event of networking and knowledge-sharing. Companies such as dm-drogerie markt and Gebrüder Weiss will take the stage to highlight what they expect logistics to deliver in times of global supply chain bottlenecks.
“Many logistics companies saw progress on digital transformation stall during the crisis. Our goal here is to present scalable, easily accessible software solutions that will help companies keep up with the pace of development in the industry,” said Volker Albrecht, CEO, Siemens Digital Logistics. “It’s about visibility, resilience, and sustainability - but also about an optimized syncing of production and logistics processes to better offset a fluctuating supply chain. Our Supply Chain Forum event provides insights and digital solutions to meet the logistics challenges of the global economy, today and tomorrow.”
For more information and registration, please visit https://www.siemens-digital-logistics.com/supply-chain-forum

Siemens Digital Logistics specializes in the digital transformation of logistical processes. The company, part of Siemens Digital Industries Software, is a leading IT provider in global supply chain management with a portfolio of end-to-end software and consulting solutions. The portfolio is supported by a state-of-the-art IT ecosystem including the AX4 logistics platform with some 500,000 users worldwide and the Supply Chain Suite (SCS) for the data-driven analysis, simulation, and optimization of logistical processes.
Siemens Digital Industries Software helps organizations of all sizes digitally transform using software, hardware and services from the Siemens Xcelerator business platform. Siemens' software and the comprehensive digital twin enable companies to optimize their design, engineering and manufacturing processes to turn today's ideas into the sustainable products of the future. From chips to entire systems, from product to process, across all industries, Siemens Digital Industries Software is where today meets tomorrow.
Siemens Digital Logistics
Christian Wendt
Head of Marketing & Communications
Email: christian.wendt@siemens.com
Siemens Digital Industries Software PR Team
Email: press.software.sisw@siemens.com
Note: A list of relevant Siemens trademarks can be found here. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.
transport logistic 2023:
Siemens to present innovative software solutions for emissions and supply chain management in logistics
Siemens to show new innovations including new Sustainability dashboard provides complete visibility of CO2 emissions in logistics networks and how digital twin technology is helping customers build crisis-resistant supply chains.
Siemens Digital Logistics has announced today that it will showcase innovative supply chain planning and management solutions at the transport logistic trade fair in Munich, May 9–12, 2023. The digital logistics specialist has prepared an event portfolio that includes a certified solution for calculating and visualizing CO2 emissions in logistics networks, a digital twin for optimizing supply chain management, and a control tower that syncs production and supply processes in real time.
“We’re bringing along scalable software solutions that help our customers in the manufacturing and logistics sectors find long-term strategies to meet current and future challenges in global supply chain management,” said Volker Albrecht, CEO of Siemens Digital Logistics. “This positions us to offer standardized solutions that businesses can use to track and calculate their emissions data across all modes of transport.”
This includes a certified methodology used to calculate greenhouse gas emissions based on the international GLEC standard (Global Logistics Emission Council) and optimize emissions through network and transport planning.
The CO2 emissions of logistics networks and partnerships are visualized in a sustainability dashboard offering a clear overview of the various polluters along with the degree of environmental impact from supply chains. The emissions scorecard for transports can also be integrated into other software solutions, such as Siemens’ Teamcenter® product cost management software, as an API web service. This makes it possible to consider transport costs and emissions as early as the product planning stage and during the supplier selection process - not only after the product design has been completed, as was previously the case.
The Siemens Digital Logistics presence at transport logistic will present dynamic planning tools, including the digital twin, in response to the crisis-driven supply chain bottlenecks currently plaguing manufacturing and retail. With its links to the wider Siemens ecosystem, Siemens Digital Logistics has natural ties to the industrial sector and a portfolio of tools that have helped enterprises around the world successfully plan their products, production, and capacities and focus them on the needs of supply chain managers as they build more resilient value chains.
Solutions like the Siemens Digital Logistics Control Tower not only enable real-time supply chain visibility, but also deliver visibility across all production and logistics processes by bundling and consolidating data across systems. This delivers end-to-end supply chain visibility and makes it possible to perfectly synchronize production and logistics processes in manufacturing.
The Siemens Digital Logistics solutions will be presented at transport logistic in Hall A3, Booth 113/216.
To book an appointment or learn more about our event program, please visit: https://siemens-digital-logistics.com/transport-logistic.

Siemens Digital Logistics specializes in the digital transformation of logistical processes. The company, part of the Siemens family, is a leading IT provider in global supply chain management with a portfolio of end-to-end software and consulting solutions. Our portfolio is supported by a state-of-the-art IT ecosystem. This includes the AX4 logistics platform with some 500,000 users worldwide and the Supply Chain Suite (SCS) for the data-driven analysis, simulation, and optimization of logistical processes.
Siemens Digital Logistics – based in Frankenthal, Germany – was established in 2018 through the merger of three distinguished companies: AXIT, LOCOM Consulting, and LOCOM Software. Together, these three companies boast over 50 years of experience in the market and support customers from across the industrial, commercial, and logistics sectors. Siemens Digital Logistics currently employs 300 experts in its offices in Frankenthal and Karlsruhe (Germany) and Wrocław (Poland).
Siemens Digital Industries Software is the owner of Siemens Digital Logistics and a fully owned subsidiary of Siemens AG. Siemens Digital Industries Software is driving transformation to enable a digital enterprise where engineering, manufacturing and electronics design meet tomorrow. The Xcelerator portfolio helps companies of all sizes create and leverage digital twins that provide organizations with new insights, opportunities and levels of automation to drive innovation. For more information on Siemens Digital Industries Software products and services, visit siemens.com/software or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Siemens Digital Industries Software – Where today meets tomorrow.
Contact for journalists
Christian Wendt
Phone: +49 6233 45943119
E-mail: christian.wendt@siemens.com
GLEC compliant calculation of CO2 emissions
Siemens Digital Logistics is accredited by Smart Freight Centre
Frankenthal, Dec 12, 2022 – Smart Freight Centre (SFC) established the Global Logistics Emissions Council Framework (GLEC Framework) in 2014 to provide a uniform standard for calculating and reliably comparing transport emissions. This standardized carbon footprint model cuts through the tangle of calculation methods that had made it difficult for shippers to find a common benchmark for comparing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with various transport options.
Siemens Digital Logistics was successfully accredited by SFC in December 2022. The accreditation confirms that the IT service provider’s data on the greenhouse gas emissions of freight and logistics operations is methodologically compliant with the GLEC Framework and provides businesses with a reliable foundation for achieving their sustainability goals.
“Manufacturers and retailers are increasingly demanding GLEC-compliant documentation of carbon emissions from their logistics service providers,” explains Volker Albrecht, CEO of Siemens Digital Logistics. “Siemens is now able to deliver this data, backed by the credibility of a global standard.”
The accredited calculation model makes it possible to determine the volume of greenhouse gas emissions from past transports. Businesses can also run ad hoc calculations to determine not only the fastest or cheapest but also the most climate-friendly transport option for future transports. The model even makes it possible to optimize emissions data as part of network or transport planning.
More about Smart Freight Centre:

Siemens Digital Logistics specializes in the digital transformation of logistical processes. The company, part of the Siemens family, is a leading IT provider in global supply chain management with a portfolio of end-to-end software and consulting solutions. Our portfolio is supported by a state-of-the-art IT ecosystem. This includes the AX4 logistics platform with some 500,000 users worldwide and the Supply Chain Suite (SCS) for the data-driven analysis, simulation, and optimization of logistical processes.
Siemens Digital Logistics – based in Frankenthal, Germany – was established in 2018 through the merger of three distinguished companies: AXIT, LOCOM Consulting, and LOCOM Software. Together, these three companies boast over 50 years of experience in the market and support customers from across the industrial, commercial, and logistics sectors. Siemens Digital Logistics currently employs 300 experts in its offices in Frankenthal and Karlsruhe (Germany) and Wrocław (Poland).
Siemens Digital Industries Software is the owner of Siemens Digital Logistics and a fully owned subsidiary of Siemens AG. Siemens Digital Industries Software is driving transformation to enable a digital enterprise where engineering, manufacturing and electronics design meet tomorrow. The Xcelerator portfolio helps companies of all sizes create and leverage digital twins that provide organizations with new insights, opportunities and levels of automation to drive innovation. For more information on Siemens Digital Industries Software products and services, visit siemens.com/software or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Siemens Digital Industries Software – Where today meets tomorrow.
Contact for journalists
Christian Wendt
Phone: +49 6233 45943119
E-mail: christian.wendt@siemens.com
Honored as TOP CONSULTANT for the seventh time—confirmed by an independent jury and customers: Siemens Digital Logistics consultants are among the best for small and medium-sized enterprises
Siemens Digital Logistics awarded TOP CONSULTANT seal
Frankenthal, Jun 24, 2022 – Award-winning quality in consulting: Siemens Digital Logistics GmbH has been awarded the TOP CONSULTANT seal for 2022. Former German President Christian Wulff, who serves as a mentor for TOP CONSULTANT, congratulated Siemens Digital Logistics on this success at the award ceremony, held as part of the German SME Summit on Friday, June 24, in Frankfurt am Main. TOP CONSULTANT identified the best SME-focused consulting firms for the 13th year running.
WGMB, an association for the study of management and consulting based in Bonn, reviewed the applicants on behalf of compamedia. The core of the competition is a survey of SMEs that have worked with the participating consulting firms. The reference customers named by Siemens Digital Logistics answered questions on topics ranging from how they rated the professionalism of the consultants to how satisfied they were with the consulting services and whether they would recommend Siemens Digital Logistics to others. WGMB cites the importance off “customer-centric, SME-focused consulting services.” More information on the test criteria can be found at www.top-consultant.de/pruefkriterien (German only). This year saw applications from 191 consulting firms, 152 of which received the coveted TOP CONSULTANT seal.
Jürgen Schulz, Vice President for Consulting at Siemens Digital Logistics, talked about the award: “To receive this TOP CONSULTANT distinction yet again—now for the seventh time—is a vindication of the over 30 years of consulting expertise we’ve acquired in the logistics industry. The fact that customer satisfaction is one of the award criteria makes it all the more valuable in our eyes!”
Volker Albrecht, CEO of Siemens Digital Logistics, adds: “Our consultants are always focused on the customer and the added value derived by the customer. We are naturally very proud of the overwhelmingly positive feedback we received through this prize, but it also inspires us to reach toward an even higher level of consulting for the benefit of our customers.”
An in-depth portrait of Siemens Digital Logistics can be found on the online portal www.beste-mittelstandsberater.de (German only).
Dr. Dietmar Fink, Professor of Management Consulting at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, heads WGMB together with Bianka Knoblach. They decide who will be distinguished with the TOP CONSULTANT seal. “We honor those consulting firms that understand particularly well how to address the unique needs of SMEs,” says Fink.
Siemens Digital Logistics specializes in the digital transformation of logistical processes. The company, part of the Siemens family, is a leading IT provider in global supply chain management with a portfolio of end-to-end software and consulting solutions. Our portfolio is supported by a state-of-the-art IT ecosystem. This includes the AX4 logistics platform with some 400,000 users worldwide and the Supply Chain Suite (SCS) for the data-driven analysis, simulation, and optimization of logistical processes.
Siemens Digital Logistics – based in Frankenthal, Germany – was established in 2018 through the merger of three distinguished companies: AXIT, LOCOM Consulting, and LOCOM Software. Together, these three companies boast over 50 years of experience in the market and support customers from across the industrial, commercial, and logistics sectors. Siemens Digital Logistics currently employs 300 experts in its offices in Frankenthal and Karlsruhe (Germany) and Wrocław (Poland).
Siemens Digital Industries Software is the owner of Siemens Digital Logistics and a fully owned subsidiary of Siemens AG. Siemens Digital Industries Software is driving transformation to enable a digital enterprise where engineering, manufacturing and electronics design meet tomorrow. The Xcelerator portfolio helps companies of all sizes create and leverage digital twins that provide organizations with new insights, opportunities and levels of automation to drive innovation. For more information on Siemens Digital Industries Software products and services, visit siemens.com/software or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Siemens Digital Industries Software – Where today meets tomorrow.
Contact for journalists
Christian Wendt
Phone: +49 6233 45943119
E-mail: christian.wendt@siemens.com
About TOP CONSULTANT: The decisive factor for being awarded the TOP CONSULTANT seal of quality is a customer-oriented, SME-oriented consulting service. The field of participants in the competition, which has been organized by compamedia since 2010, consists largely of management, IT and HR consultants. These companies face the scrutiny of the competition's scientific management: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink, Professor of Management Consulting at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, and Bianka Knoblach. Both head the Scientific Society for Management and Consulting (WGMB) in Bonn. The mentor of TOP CONSULTANT is former German President Christian Wulff. The media partner is manager magazin.
Supply Chain Forum
On the road to the autonomous supply chain: how German enterprises plan to manage supply chain risks
Frankfurt, May 10 ,2022 - German industrial giants such as Dräger and VW are strategically deploying digital planning and control tools to better manage the dramatic rise in risks to global supply chains.
“It’s about keeping a lid on external factors that impact the supply chain,” explained Volker Rügheimer, Head of Supply Chain Development at Volkswagen Group After Sales, speaking at the Siemens Digital Logistics Supply Chain Forum in Frankfurt. Rügheimer is responsible for optimizing the Group’s supply of parts to 110 million customers—a network involving 6,000 suppliers, including 5,000 in Europe alone.
Monitoring risks, supporting the company’s objectives, identifying opportunities: The automotive giant streamlines its supply chains with the help of the digital twin from Siemens. The virtual management tool, which uses actual data to simulate various risks and threat scenarios for the supply chain, helps the company decide how to optimize its logistics processes.
More transparency, lower costs
VW gains greater visibility over empty container transports, can plan deliveries proactively, and is cutting its costs and emissions. “The digital twin is becoming the architect of the supply chain as supply chain managers morph into data specialists,” says Rügheimer, describing how the digital revolution has redefined traditional roles in logistics. “The digital twin shortens the path to the autonomous supply chain,” the VW manager said at the industry meetup of leading supply chain experts. It has helped better manage the supply chain risks that have plagued the industry as a result of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine while making it easier to integrate automotive trends and strategic issues such as sustainability into supply processes.
Dräger, the medical technology group based in the northern German city of Lübeck, also relies on digital tools to manage its supply chain. Whereas in the past transport orders were processed by e-mail, in the future the approximately 1,000 suppliers will be managed via automated systems. The winner of the BME eSolutions Award 2021 relies on the cross-system cloud solution AX4 from Siemens Digital Logistics for its end-to-end procurement process. “Efficient and transparent material procurement is one of the core elements of a good supply chain. Dräger depends on a reliable supply chain for on-time delivery to our medical and safety technology customers,” said Nicola Klockmann, Supply Chain Manager at Dräger.
Even small and medium-sized transport and logistics companies are increasingly turning to digital logistics to optimize their supply processes. One example is Reichhart Logistik, a family-owned business based outside Munich with 750 employees and 14 locations in Germany, Austria and France.
“Our goal was to reduce the complexity of our transports while professionalizing the planning and execution,” explains Katja Gerads, who heads the Transport Logistics Tender Management team at Reichhart Logistik. They also maximized the efficiency of their transports using the Supply Chain Suite from Siemens Digital Logistics, a planning tool that uses simulations to optimize processes. One example was to reorganize one-way supply trips into round trips to better utilize trucks and avoid deadhead runs. The result: Within one year, Reichhart Logistik was able to significantly optimize a customer's transports. This was reflected in an improved utilization of the trucks by 18%, a reduction in transport costs by 13%, and cut CO2 emissions by 22%. “Logistics is a data-driven business for us now,” Gerads emphasizes.
Turning work into a hobby
“The virtual part of business is getting bigger,” underscored Dr. Pero Mićić, Founder and CEO of the Future Management Group. Mićić cites Tesla as a shining example of visionary concepts and high-level process automation and theorizes that “physical labor will become a hobby” as large areas of production and logistics eventually become autonomous as well.
“Supply chains need to be rethought,” concluded CEO Volker Albrecht and VP Consulting Jürgen Schulz of Siemens Digital Logistics, speaking at the Supply Chain Forum. This would go beyond just ensuring greater supply chain resilience. Albrecht believes significant value could be added by better aligning industrial production and logistics: “Today’s digital technology transforms the supply chain into a value chain.”
Global integration of location services enables efficient and sustainable logistics
Technologies make supply chains more reliable
Siemens Digital Logistics, a specialist in digitalizing logistics processes, is partnering with HERE Technologies, a leading location data and technology platform, to make fresh and precise location services an integral part of its software portfolio.
Customer will receive many benefits as Siemens Digital Logistics end-to-end solutions will include Geocoding, Matrix Routing, Toll Cost Calculation and Truck Attributes. Advantages in dispatching include the ability to plan transports in a cost-optimized manner and to define routes according to ecological aspects. In operational transport management, arrival times are forecast more accurately, and risks are minimized, enabling downstream processes in the warehouse or production to be better coordinated. HERE location services are available worldwide, including in China, and enable detailed insights that help optimize the supply chain.
As Christian Schmidt, CTO of Siemens Digital Logistics, explains: "Digitizing logistics processes is not trivial. Bringing together partners with different IT infrastructures from around the world and optimizing global transport chains requires precise location services that can be easily integrated into our platform. With HERE, we are able to provide our customers with an enhanced offering that allows them to plan and manage their logistics processes more efficiently and sustainably."
"With the pandemic, the pace of digitalization of global supply chain management as well as the need for precise location services has increased significantly. Bundling HERE location services with Siemens Digital Logistics platform, we are making an important contribution to the logistics of tomorrow," said Gino Ferru, General Manager EMEAR and Senior Vice President at HERE Technologies.
Siemens Digital Logistics specializes in the digital transformation of logistical processes. The company, part of the Siemens family, is a leading IT provider in global supply chain management with a portfolio of end-to-end software and consulting solutions. Our portfolio is supported by a state-of-the-art IT ecosystem. This includes the AX4 logistics platform with some 400,000 users worldwide and the Supply Chain Suite (SCS) for the data-driven analysis, simulation, and optimization of logistical processes.
Siemens Digital Logistics – based in Frankenthal, Germany – was established in 2018 through the merger of three distinguished companies: AXIT, LOCOM Consulting, and LOCOM Software. Together, these three companies boast over 50 years of experience in the market and support customers from across the industrial, commercial, and logistics sectors. Siemens Digital Logistics currently employs 300 experts in its offices in Frankenthal and Karlsruhe (Germany) and Wrocław (Poland).
Siemens Digital Industries Software is the owner of Siemens Digital Logistics and a fully owned subsidiary of Siemens AG. Siemens Digital Industries Software is driving transformation to enable a digital enterprise where engineering, manufacturing and electronics design meet tomorrow. The Xcelerator portfolio helps companies of all sizes create and leverage digital twins that provide organizations with new insights, opportunities and levels of automation to drive innovation. For more information on Siemens Digital Industries Software products and services, visit siemens.com/software or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Siemens Digital Industries Software – Where today meets tomorrow.
Contact for journalists
Christian Wendt
Phone: +49 6233 45943119
E-mail: christian.wendt@siemens.com
Siemens Digital Logistics expands portfolio with real-time services from Shippeo
More Visibility for Supply Chain Control Tower Solutions
Siemens Digital Logistics is expanding its range of real-time services for cloud-based control tower solutions. The specialist for digitalizing logistics processes will cooperate with Shippeo, a European market leader for transport visibility.
The collaboration between the two companies gives Siemens Digital Logistics customers more options for calculating and visualizing estimated arrival times (ETA) and live status reporting for their shipments and deliveries. The combination of end-to-end solutions and real-time services provides all stakeholders with a more detailed view of the entire supply chain, enabling more accurate and reliable planning of downstream processes.
“Nowadays, waiting times or even breakdowns are unnecessary cost drivers, because they usually arise from a lack of transparency about transport and delivery status”, explains Dr. Christian Schmidt, CTO at Siemens Digital Logistics. “With Shippeo's real-time services, we can now provide another answer to the ever-growing need for accurate information.”
With a network of over 850 TMS, telematics, and IoT providers, Shippeo will deliver real-time information for road, sea, and rail in the future. Siemens Digital Logistics customers will therefore be able to track their shipments end-to-end, determine the exact positions of a shipment at any time, and secure their own service levels through predictive information.
Lucien Besse, COO of Shippeo calls real-time visibility an increasing “must-have” in supply chain management: “We are excited to be part of the Siemens ecosystem. The level of visibility our services provide gives many customers the ability to automate monitoring processes, dynamically plan resources, better utilize assets, and ultimately save costs.”
Siemens Digital Logistics specializes in the digital transformation of logistical processes. The company, part of the Siemens family, is a leading IT provider in global supply chain management with a portfolio of end-to-end software and consulting solutions. Our portfolio is supported by a state-of-the-art IT ecosystem. This includes the AX4 logistics platform with some 400,000 users worldwide and the Supply Chain Suite (SCS) for the data-driven analysis, simulation, and optimization of logistical processes.
Siemens Digital Logistics – based in Frankenthal, Germany – was established in 2018 through the merger of three distinguished companies: AXIT, LOCOM Consulting, and LOCOM Software. Together, these three companies boast over 50 years of experience in the market and support customers from across the industrial, commercial, and logistics sectors. Siemens Digital Logistics currently employs 300 experts in its offices in Frankenthal and Karlsruhe (Germany) and Wrocław (Poland).
Siemens Digital Industries Software is the owner of Siemens Digital Logistics and a fully owned subsidiary of Siemens AG. Siemens Digital Industries Software is driving transformation to enable a digital enterprise where engineering, manufacturing and electronics design meet tomorrow. The Xcelerator portfolio helps companies of all sizes create and leverage digital twins that provide organizations with new insights, opportunities and levels of automation to drive innovation. For more information on Siemens Digital Industries Software products and services, visit siemens.com/software or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Siemens Digital Industries Software – Where today meets tomorrow.
Contact for journalists
Christian Wendt
Phone: +49 6233 45943119
E-mail: christian.wendt@siemens.com